Clinical Investigators for PMCF studies

Uniting medical device manufacturers, clinical sites & study investigators

Register to access pre-approved clinical sites

Register today to access pre-approved clinical sites ready to run PMCF studies on your devices.

Clinical Investigators for PMCF studies Learn more by downloading our presentation

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For Clinical Sites

Get access to targeted medical device clinical research opportunities

  • Study experience for clinical professionals

    Research participation opportunities for all types of clinical staff, from junior doctors and nurses to senior consultants and allied health professionals.

  • Clinical prestige & compliant remuneration

    Conduct medical device PMCF with remuneration for hospital departments and clinical prestige from publications and speaking opportunities.

  • Retain full control of approvals

    Clinical sites and investigators retain full control over study approval and participation, granting full autonomy and freedom.

  • Free to join & no obligation

    There is no cost to clinical sites and no obligation, meaning that joining our network brings only benefits with no downside and no risk.

For Medical Device Manufacturers

Find pre-approved clinical investigators to run your PMCF studies

  • Extensive database of clinical investigators

    Access our extensive database of clinical investigators who are ready and motivated to participate in medical device PMCF studies.

  • Pre-approved for PMCF studies

    Find clinical sites who have pre-approved PMCF study conduct, taking away the need to 'sell' the benefits of study participation.

  • Rapid on-boarding & study initiation

    Benefit from existing study initiation frameworks to make administrative and on-boarding processes quick, efficient and cost-effective.

  • Access to broad range of clinical sites

    Choose from our extensive range of clinical investigators across all medical and surgical specialties.

Contact us

If you are interested in learning more about joining our network, please contact us and a member of our team will be in touch to arrange a free & confidential discussion.

Do you need help with your PMCF study?

Talk to us